Full Tutorial On How To Increase Engagement On Instagram + My Tips

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on April 9, 2019 by Larious

Full Tutorial On How To Increase Engagement On Instagram + My Tips – Hey, guys! This comprehensive guide on how to improve and skyrocket Instagram account engagement rate 🙂 I will be covering the things that I think we both can increase our accounts’ engagement rate, boost the reach, and improve accounts’ quality.

You should start engaging with your current audience more. Only, use 20-40% of your daily actions on improving your engagement rate from your followers by engaging with their content (liking their random posts, commenting their posts, watching their stories and leaving a message there, etc…), while 60-80% of your daily actions could be spent on growing your following list (following more people).

You will be building your account and increasing the engagement rate of your account at the same time, expanding your reach too. As we know, the majority of Instagram users are a younger generation (13-28 year-olds).

I have been analysing meme pages, viral pages for a long time, and I have noticed that topics such as depression, anxiety, college, exams, luxury, girls, and similar are prevalent between teenagers.

Make sure you use more of those types of content on your account(-s), so you could increase the engagement rate (because younger generation used to react more to the posts that are relevant to them).

Stop using shitty captions. If you are posting high-quality content, that is just half of your efforts. The other 50% of the success of the engagement rate of the post depends on the caption.

Why? Because people read them too, and you can put a call-to-action so it can drastically improve the engagement rate of the account.

When conducting various tests, there are two ways you can get more engagement on your post: either posting a call-to-action on the post itself or posting a call-to-action in the caption. Some of the examples could be:

“Tag 2 friends, but one of them is stupid. Don’t say anything; just let them decide.”
“Save this post because I am about to delete it soon.”
“DM me the answer to this question.”

Another way of increasing the engagement rate and reach is by deleting your account followers who haven’t engaged with your content for a month or so.

They are called “ghost followers” of your account. Make sure that you will filter out those ghost followers of your account and remove/block them in the period of one week to one month (depending on the size of the account and percentage of the ghost followers your account has).

By removing ghost followers, you will be improving the engagement rate of your account and increasing the reach too for other upcoming posts.

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Also, this is an effective way to improve the account quality, but not so much of enhancing the engagement rate, just a bit. Usually account sellers, before selling their accounts, they use this technique.

Why? Because this way they can trick buyers into thinking that account is in good shape and have great posts with high engagement.

Also, it is common to delete low-performing posts from your account so it would look nicer. Also, don’t forget to remove all posts that are promos, giveaways, shoutouts – you don’t want to leave them on your account feed forever – that’s for sure.

Yes! If you want to improve the engagement rate of your account, you should delete low performing sources. By removing them, you are eliminating the potential follow sources that are giving your posts, not a high engagement rate.

If you use low-performing follow sources – your engagement rate will also be lower. Make sure you always be changing and testing your follow references, so, at any given moment, you should end up having followed sources that provide you at least 20% follow back ratio.

This is an entirely new thing in Instagram as it is trying to push this new feature very hard. You probably noticed that when some of your friends post an IGTV video, you get a notification on your phone. I hardly suggest you guys to use IGTV feature as often as possible to get a boost on your account.

Also, I would hardly suggest you use stories as often as possible. I use stories often for three main things: I end up at followers’ story feed more often; I increase the reach by using the most of the Instagram Story features (such as polls, questions, stickers – yes!

You should use them to as Instagram favours you for the usage of them by giving you more exposure), and by announcing about upcoming IGTV video or feed, post (yes! This is a great tactic!

The primary goal is getting many engagements on your new post as possible so you can get better reach and exposure, and get into exploring page more often) – you can post something like: “In 10mins I will be posting a deep post. I will delete it very soon.” – then blur the content and whoala!

Knowing when your followers are most active, when you are getting most of the traction, where are your followers from, etc.

By analysing such data in a few weeks, you can get into improving posting time, and you are targetting by implementing some changes – that way you will improve your engagement rate for sure.

I hope you guys are not using car-niche follow source account if your account is about cats. You should be following only targetted people in your niche, and not using those Selena Gomez followers for example…

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Hashtags play an essential role in your account success. Most of you might be using dynamic hashtags (spun ones) on your captions. But the most effective use of using hashtags is by doing this (during my tests):

– never using 30 hashtags
– never use the same hashtags on the posts
– using very different hashtags on every caption
– using hashtags that convey emotion, action
– using viral hashtags
– using a variety of hashtags based on their size

So, to sum up, I am using hashtags like this:
– Every post has between 4-25 hashtags (never 30!)
– 10% viral hashtags + 1 branded hashtag + 2 viral hashtags + 20% 5k-50k hashtags + 30% 50k-500k hashtags + 10% 500k-100M hashtags

Also, you should be using different sets of hashtags based on how fast your account grow and how much engagement your account is getting on the posts.

Stop using captions that have the same spintax template! Your followers are not stupid, and they might recognise that and think you are lazy ass 😀

Instead, come up with extended captions! Make sure you don’t use the same words/keywords in the next posts (that way you improve your post quality and account quality at the same time!).

At the end of the caption, always post interesting CTA’s, not the basic shit such as: follow account for more stuff – that’s boring as hell. Instead, use something like this:

  • You better follow this account before your ex finds out
  • Doctors told that it is a good vitamin if you follow this account
  • I dare you to save this post in 5secs etc.… (those just came up to my mind). Be creative guys!

This is how you push your new post to the followers. If you want to get a better chance at landing at the explore page and ranking in hashtags faster, make sure you get a lot of engagement on your post as possible FROM YOUR FOLLOWERS!!!

Stop using fake likes, comments to boost your engagement – that might hurt you in the long run. How can you get the engagement fast on a new post? Easy:

– post a story about upcoming post
– use your network of accounts to post comments and give likes on your latest post
– start fake discussions in the posts
– encourage people engaging with your post ASAP by writing a creative CTA on the caption or the post itself
– if you are posting a video – use catching thumbnail
– if you are displaying image – use high-quality post
– start asking for sending DM’s and saving posts – you should try to get as many of them on the new post

Most of you, using stories already, but rarely you use all features that Instagram gives you. You should use them, so Instagram could favour you by giving you more exposure and reach a more significant percentage of your followers.

Try using polls, stickers, tagging hashtags and locations, also use CTAs so you can receive more comments on stories. You should try to use as many story features and using the CTA on every story post!

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My tips: always your public profile. By using a private profile, you are decreasing the reach, and you can’t go to explore page.

You can do this: have a public profile until you grow to 100k for example, and then turn to a private profile by using CTA’s on BIO/name, such as I am hiding something in my feed, I dare you to follow me

Also, make sure you test different variations of your profile picture and check which one gets the better open rate. Also, try using full names such as: don’t check this profile; your ex follows me, etc.… to get better open-rate.

Also, you bullet-points on your BIO so it can look cute!
Use highlights, and beautiful icons – this way you look more professional!

Sure, you can try using boosting services, such as powerlikes, engagement groups, etc.… I am saying experiment because I have different thoughts on using them.

Some of the people use them with success, some people destroying engagement rate after stopping boosting services. My preferred way of growing account and increasing engagement rate includes all the tips that I covered on this topic since I rely more on organic methods to grow an account.


Don’t scrape random images/videos from the internet! Don’t do that! Also, if you repost content with good engagement rate – that also doesn’t mean that those are the posts that could go viral, but it’s a good start. The way I am finding viral content:

– scraping posts from explore the page
– scraping posts from top 9 posts from both location tags and hashtags
– scraping posts with high comment/like ratio


Thank you for reading this topic 🙂 If you have any questions, I would be happy to assist and help 🙂


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