Google Bans More Than 100 Android Apps This Year!

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on July 13, 2020 by Larious

Some of the apps on Play Store have been found with malware which can hack accounts. One of the threat allowed hackers to sign the unsuspecting users to expensive subscription plans without the user knowing it.

At the time, Google discovered the dangerous apps are already deleted from the store. But, it might be too late as you may already have the app installed on your device.

The first attack of the year was by the team at Trend Micro who discovered that some of the apps which claim to clean devices could be a fraud and it downloads 3,000 malware variants on affected devices. One of the apps named Speed Clean can launch weak adverts on the screen.

Next team BitDefender found a total of 17 Play Store apps with more than 550,000 downloads. These were capable of hiding themselves on the device.

Here’s a full list of the apps discovered by BitDefender:


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