Google Maps Get Some New AI-Based Features

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on May 11, 2023 by Larious

Google begins its I/O event with the announcement of some of the basic AI-driven features for some of its major apps, and Google Maps is one of them which will get these various new AI-based features.

But the most exciting feature for Google Maps is the new Immersive View which will allow you to see a more detailed view of the route just in the app. Let’s delve into more details below.

Google Maps Will Give You 3D View of the Route Just In The App

This feature is aimed to give a visualization of your selected journey without even physically going there and allows you to trace the steps from point A to B with certain information.

Besides, in this 3D view, many things will be added by Artificial Intelligence, such as on a traffic basis, there will be a number of vehicles on the virtual roads, and if the weather is foggy or rainy so you’ll see the same via AI.

With giving the view of the route, this feature is also capable of showing you weather details of selected areas from the route, and even it can show you traffic reporting at the same time.

And with experience, users are going to get likely accurate information regarding air quality, bike lanes, and nearby parking.

You can see the video in the above tweet that shows what Immersive View is going to look like and what kind of 3D view it will show you.

In the beginning, the company is going to release this feature for only 15 cities from different countries.

And those cities are Amsterdam, Berlin, Dublin, Florence, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Paris, Seattle, San Francisco, San Jose, Tokyo, and Venice.

While Google also kept its release date a secret as it said they are going to launch this feature for iOS and Android users from the mentioned cities by the end of this year, so we can expect it to arrive in the next few months.


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