Usage And Working Process Of Slip Rings For Marine

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on April 5, 2019 by Larious

An electromechanical device which has the ability to transmit signals and power from shaft to rotating structure is called Slip Rings. It is also named as Electrical Slip ring or collector ring.

Even a few of them name it as Commutator, which is specialized to use on Generators or DC Motors. Rotary transformers which are commonly used in the market instead of using slip rings in low friction or high-speed environments.

Slip Rings are widely used in electromechanical industries for transmitting data or power that requires continuous, unrestrained or intermittent rotation.

Slips Rings are used in multiple other industries like Packaging Industry, defense, Semiconductor processing machines, winders, marine, Oil and Gas composition, Wind turbines, automated welders, and aerospace.

The usage of slip rings may vary depending upon the machines that you are using relevant to your industries. Even slip rings are used in the Medical industry for CT or MRI Imaging.

Usage of Slip Ring for Marine

The most challenging factors are using the slip ring for marine or offshore environments. You need to face multiple issues like to oceanic conditions, fast-moving within water, enough speed to rotate.

They are also used in marine propeller system, Vessels that are commonly used by Coast Guards, Ice breakers, and Cruise Liners. While coming to Marine Offshore applications, they are widely used in Coil Tubing, Winches, Wirelines, and Cranes.

The benefits are they can provide high frequency and are integrated with electric energy. It can be easily customized to work with any sort of automatic heat abstractor devices.

They are specially designed to emit very low transmission as well as electrical noise. Quite common for transmitting a large amount of current with high conductivity.

The additional features are they are used for long life with no sort of any lubrication. They are compatible with transmitting both Digital & Analogs signals as well as Data bus protocol. The most prominent sign is they can easily rotate up to a 360-degree rotation (in terms of data or power signals transmission).

When it comes to Oil and Gas composition industries, they need to drill more and more deeply to get Gas or Oil from the ground (within underwater).

FPS is commonly known as Floating Production System. Hydraulic Utility Swivels, Common Swivels, Rotary Joints which are composite of Fiber Optics, Electrical slip rings are used in FPS systems. Moreover, the Marine Authority has the full rights to approve or certify the FPS Systems when you are using in hazardous spots.

Electrical Slip Ring

An electromechanical device which has the ability to transmit signals and power from shaft to rotating structure is called Electrical Slip Ring. They are used in the latest technology for optimization of unrestrained connections (which are used to transmit power and signals) as well as obtaining the operation for long term plan.

Subsea Cameras, Oceanographic winches, Seismic streamers, and remotely operated vehicles are majorly using the ESR (Electrical Slip Rings).

The benefits are: they are mainly preferable for simple and easy maintenance and installation. They are unique in supporting the basic requirements of flexible engineering.

Moreover, it is very easy and compact for any sort of users to replace the Electrical Slip ring. They are integrated with union assembly (Slip ring) and act a single source.

The additional features are: they consist of multiple channels which are used for optimization to transmit power and data. You can easily customize the connector and mounting configurations based on your device requirements. You can use numerous mounting configurations for your device (it may be up to infinite).

The mounting is differentiated on their usage and specifications. They are Hollow Rotor, Threaded Rotor, and Flanged Rotor. It can be used as an option for any sort of media to route through the center of a slip ring.

The most important of the electrical connection is to provide entire access for Military or Modular or Circular based connectors.

Depending upon the requirements of signal and power, you can make of carbon, multi-fiber metal or Monofilament materials. They are well experts in EMI shielding like Microware, Digital, RF, and Analog signals and provide more importance in preventing the crosstalk with other sorts of signals. They can also be used as signals like logic control, audio, Ethernet, video, and Sensors.

Pancake Slip Rings

Within height direction and if you have limited space then Pancake slip rings plays a major role. These type of slip rings are widely used in Textile, print and Medical industries. They are also mainly used for dismantling or mounting an existing structure. Some used applications are different testing systems, large motors, cable making machines, and large winders.

From the usage of precious metal contacts (which are stable) produce high performance and low contact resistance. Vacuum assistant resin infusion is a type of process used by Pancake Slip rings.

The benefits are: they are very easy to customize depending upon your device requirements (the more number of rings or tracks will yield the best results).

You can also pre-define which type of shafts you would opt to use; it can be either hollow or the solid one. It is already programmed with a photoelectric encoder which is the best-added advantage of using these kinds of slip rings.

The additional features are: you will never experience any sort of connection or interface drop during the process. With a 360-degree rotation, these slip rings can easily transmit signal and power without any hassle.

It has a high rotating speed which helps to produce very low noise in the working environment. There are multiple numbers of industries in the market, which are capable of providing customized products for both modularized and standardized design of slip rings depending upon the requirements of your Industry or the device which are you using.

If you have any pre-define requirements then you can even arrange a free consultation with the top teams to get the best results.


The above-provided information will help you to get clarification about the types of slip rings for marine, their usage, and its advantages.


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