How To Call USA & Canada For Free With Hangouts Dialer On Android

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on May 14, 2018 by Larious

Back in the old days, connecting to your loved ones who were far away from home was something that was not only expensive, but a resource that wasn’t available to all. Over the years, the internet has helped us connect in more ways than ever deemed possible, thanks to services like WhatsApp that have not only kept us in touch through free text messaging, but also introduced voice and video calling over the years.

While you can use WhatsApp, Skype, Google Duo and a bunch of other services to connect with other smartphone users, making cellular phone calls to USA and Canada are still almost as expensive as it was before. However, a lesser known service from Google itself called the Hangouts Dialer has been offering free cellular calls for quite some time now.

What makes the Hangouts Dialer different?

Unlike all of the other free calling apps out there, Hangouts Dialer app does not require the receiver to have the app installed as well. For instance, if you want to call a customer service number in the United States or call someone up on their office number, Hangouts Dialer can do it without a hiccup.

Similar to Skype, Google Hangouts Dialer also requires you to purchase credits to make super cheap phone calls to any number in the world. But unlike Skype, Hangouts Dialer app offers free phone calls to all numbers in USA and Canada, so you can start using the service for free right away.


  1. Download Hangouts Dialer from the Google Play Store
  2. Once you have the Hangouts Dialer app installed, it will act as a secondary phone dialer
  3. You can copy the U.S. or Canadian number and paste it into the HangoutsDialer app or select a number and choose the Hangouts Dialer app to call from.
  4. If you want the recipient to see your original phone number as the Outbound Caller ID, you can enable it from the Settings tab of the app.
  5. In the Settings menu, tap on your Google account and scroll down to find the Outbound Caller ID tab and enable the toggle switch.
  6. Having the Outbound Caller ID disabled will display your phone call as “Unknown Number” to the recipient.

Were you able to make the most out of the Hangouts Dialer app to make free cellular calls to all numbers across USA and Canada?


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