Last Updated on January 27, 2020 by Larious
The secret to achieving greater success is in the cadre’s ability to cover the complexity of the situation as a whole, set priorities, organize work, combine strengths, educate discipline, educate by example, explain the need for each task, convince, excite, lift passion, and mobilize the employee.
What is discipline?
Discipline is the adjustment of a person’s behavior to the norms of behavior set in a particular context (group, organization, social, family, etc.). And can be understood, assimilated, and obeyed in various ways when people think about the subject and act accordingly.
However, and without trying to theorize outside the basics, it is necessary to state that as a component of individual behavior in an organizational context, the discipline has a high impact on the results obtained.
The main function of a manager, who is appointed and paid, is to ensure that everyone who forms an organization knows, wants and can do everything necessary at all times to contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, in the greatest harmony possible with their personal development goals.
And it is not possible for him to fulfill that function if he does not guarantee the discipline of each and every subordinate, in accordance with the shared values that underpin the organization’s project.
From this, it can be emphasized that the main role in complying with the discipline standards in an organization is according to management at each of the same levels:
– First, because he built them, or at least he had to build them.
– Second, because he has to enforce them through the necessary mechanism.
– Third, because he has to educate the working group through daily management training and personal example in terms of their compliance and conscious assumptions.
But unfortunately, many managers at various levels are not clear about this vital function, which is inherent in the performance of such positions.
As such, they tend to ignore one, two or three aspects mentioned that define the management functions of these disciplines (set standards, enforce them and educate in their compliance), and in other cases, they usually release them in fact when delegating them in the area of the organization’s Human Resources. They do not really delegate it, because delegation is an administrative process that has requirements, and technology such as e-rostering system, and in this case is almost never met.
It is known that managing subordinate discipline correctly often leads to interpersonal problems, which are not liked by many managers or faced. But if so, what for the manager? Only collect high salaries and use the strength and prerogative attached to that position?
Duties and rights must go together. If as managers we have certain prerogatives, higher salaries, better conditions, our own office, assigned vehicles, certain expenses incurred by the organization, etc., we certainly have duties at the other end, such as ensuring compliance with certain organizational discipline standards by subordinates.