Last Updated on April 26, 2016 by Larious
Mtn free browsing for unlimited downloads is currently available but it wont be working for long, so hurry and take part in this juicy bundle. The trick requires subscribing for the MTN Yello Life Plus and you get free 100MB unlimitedly, this trick works with or without credit balance in your new or old mtn line. Also it works across all devices.
Lets quickly dive in so you can also start downloading unlimitedly. Below is how to get started:
- Get your mtn sim card
- Simply Dial: *460*6#
- You get a successful message
Dear Mtn customer, Your Mtn Yello life plus service has been activated
- Put on your mobile data and start blazing unlimitedly.
The data is capped 100MB, once the data is exhausted, you can resubscribe repeatedly by following the process below:
- Once your 100MB has exhausted, Dial *460*1# you will get a message, then also dial *460*6# to get another 100MB.
See snapshot below:
- Do the above process repeatedly once the 100MB is exhausted to get unlimited 100MB for your downloads and browsing.
I am currently downloading the Game of Thrones S06E01 1080p with this trick. Hurry and enjoy this tweak while it last
so the plan will be deducting you on very recharge?
Noo, Its free, No charges.
thank you am enjoying it now… how do I check the MB?
Good evening. It’s not working any more on my phones..
am sorry Mtn has stopped it.
Now that this has stop working, is any other mtn unlimited cheat u can help me with? Thanks
Pls what’s the pc simple server settings for etisalat sim. And also pc psiphon settings for etisalat.
Ss doesnt work on etisalat also psiphon. They dont work anymore.
Comment: can u help me with another free cheat since that one is no longer working
am sorry there isnt one at the moment. You can join LKT whatsApp group for latest tricks and tips as it comes. Add this number:09082033794
Pls,since I change my hot 2 imei,my browser starter slowing
Clear your browser caches…this fixed this issue.
Comment:thanks so hw wld u check d data balance
Comment:hi Larry I did want to start blogging can u help me on how u started urs here is my contacts 08169376719 or 07010656242 just Whatsapp me
Comment:can you please help me with the tricks
I’m in Ghana
hw can I enjoy some in Ghana
Thanks for stopping by, but the tricks here only works in Nigeria not Ghana am sorry