The Real Secret to TikTok Fame: Top Tips!

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on April 13, 2020 by Larious

Want to start building up your TikTok fan base but aren’t quite sure where you should start? Well, have no fear. We have you covered with the awesome advice you are going to find on this page! Let us start building up your TikTok fans today.

Creating quality content

We know this one sounds obvious, but you have no idea how many people who crave TikTok fame don’t even think about it. They believe that the way to gain TikTok fan after TikTok fan is to keep pumping out videos. You couldn’t be more wrong. It is better to put out one decent video a week than one hundred horrendous ones. Anybody who has achieved any sort of fame on TikTok will tell you that the quality content tends to rise to the top…even from the unknowns.

Research what other people are doing with their videos. Get a feel for current trends and challenges. Don’t be afraid to hop on top of some of the more popular things. Obviously, with your own creative spin thrown into the mix. This may give you the boost that you need at the start.

Keep your videos upbeat

Do you want TikTok fans that are going to stick around for the long haul? Well, then you need to keep the more-depressing videos to the absolute minimum. TikTok is all about being able to escape from the world and having a little bit of fun while you are doing it. This means that you need your TikTok videos to provide that escape for people. If 90% of your videos are you just sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, then you will struggle to find any TikTok fans.

Buy TikTok Fans

Some people may see this as cheating a little bit. We don’t. You see, success on TikTok isn’t easy to come by. Sometimes, you need to give yourself a little bit of a ‘leg up’. Buying TikTok followers from reputable companies like which has great reviews.

Stick to your niche

The key to finding a stable number of TikTok fans is to stick to what you know. Provide quality content around the same topics. Try to not deviate too much from it. If you do deviate, then whatever you branch out to should be tangentially related. For example; if you provide content under the teen tags, then it is fine to branch out into dance or something. That would gel well with the teens. However, it is probably not going to be good to branch out into DIY. You will quickly lose any fans you have gained. Yeah. It means that you do have to stifle your creativity a little bit, but this is something that every famous person needs to do.

Use the tags

If there is one way to guarantee TikTok fame, it is to make sure that you use the tag system. Famous people become famous by being discovered. If you make it difficult to discover you, then you aren’t going to be famous. Nobody will know you exist.

When you are creating your content, we suggest that you go through some of the more popular tags on TikTok. This will allow you to get a feel for what is popular. It should also give you an idea of which tags people use to find content. You can even scope out the competition on the site. Yes. It is a lot of effort, but it is worth it!

When you are creating your content, always stick to the same tags. This will keep people rolling in and those views and fans going up.

Interact with your fans

Once you have started to muster up a bit of TikTok fame, you need to begin interacting with your fans. Create videos that they want. Answer questions about yourself. Make yourself more than just a nameless person on TikTok. While this may not necessarily grow your fans, it may help you to keep a few more of your current ones sticking around and enjoying your content. If this happens, they may share it with their friends and family members. You may gain fans in the future, basically!


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