How To Make 500 dollars Fast On eBay – Make 500 Dollars Per Day

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on December 4, 2018 by Larious

How To Make 500 dollars Fast On eBay – Hey guys, if you’re reading this, then you’re interested in making some money daily without having to work your ass off or do stuff you don’t even like and lose your precious time!

Below, I have composed a straightforward guide for you to make money, even noobs could make it and earn tons of money following my easy making money method on eBay.

Let’s Get Started:

STEP 1: Make sure you have a PayPal account and an eBay account, these are the most import thing to start making some $$.

STEP 2: You have to go on this website and search for: FORTNITE, now explore the cheapest seller that’s selling: “FORTNITE | 25-50 PVP SKINS”.

STEP 3: Make sure the seller accepts PayPal payments, so it’s easier to get refunds in case the account doesn’t work, once you’ve got it, save the link, go on eBay and re-sell the item.

STEP 4: I recommend you to sell the item for at least 5 euros, so you make a profit of 3+ euros for every sale you make, once you start getting orders you just need to place an order on Plati and instantly send the account to your customer.

If the account doesn’t work you need to get a refund on Plati and then send a replacement to your customer, so the chance of having to refund your customer is meager!

STEP 5: I know that it may look or seem complicated but trust me, once you set up everything it takes 5 mins max per order, so if your product goes viral on eBay you’ll make a lot of money.

I know people that are making 500 euros a day, I tried just for fun and I assure you that I never expected to earn that much!

After reading through this article on how to make 500 dollars fast on eBay, the next step is to put what you have learned above into action. Quickly get started and make your cool legit cash now.

If you have no money but a lot of time you are equally rich like a person who has a lot of money. Now you need to use your time very intelligently to work smart and achieve your goal of earning 500 euro per month very soon.

Never expect any miracle would happen or someone would give you a magic wand to earn money. You have to work hard and be patient, and one day you would be making a lot.


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2 thoughts on “How To Make 500 dollars Fast On eBay – Make 500 Dollars Per Day”

  1. I think this theory is truly remarkable. I have add my own fair share on ebay and i can say it is really cheap there.

    I once got some products from ebay which i sold in nigeria, I made some profits from there. I feel the best way to make money from them is to buy from ebay and sell in your neighbourhood.

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