5 Mistakes Not To Make When Choosing A Managed IT Services Provider

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on September 26, 2021 by Larious

Outsourcing your IT needs is definitely the right move in today’s world. If you were to hire an entire team to take care of every single technological need that your business might have, you would find yourself hiring a lot of different experts, which would ultimately cost you a fortune.

Instead of spending a fortune on a scenario like this one, people have nowadays turned towards the idea of outsourcing and it is proving to be the perfect move. Check out some of the reasons why outsourcing is the perfect move.

I guess that you already understand the value of outsourcing these services, which is why you are here in the first place. You are ready to choose the right manage IT services provider, or an MSP as they are also called. Yet, there is something stopping you from making this choice and I might know what it is. In few words, you might not be sure that you know how to make the correct choice here and it is perfectly normal to be confused about this.

A lot of people tend to make some mistakes in the process due to being confused about it. Those mistakes lead to hiring a poor MSP and then regretting that decision afterwards. I assume that you don’t want the same to happen to you.

Quite on the contrary, you want to ensure that you aren’t making any types of mistakes, since you need to hire the perfect provider and thus receive the best possible managed IT services for your business. Well, if you want to avoid mistakes, you first need to get familiar with them.

If you’re planning on giving up on technology instead, you need a little reminder of its importance: https://industrytoday.com/the-role-and-importance-of-technology-in-business/

Okay, I suppose that you weren’t planning on giving up on technology. No business could succeed without it nowadays, and I am sure you understand that. So, instead of giving up on it, I suggest you learn more about those mistakes that I have mentioned and then try to avoid them.

If you are ready to learn, then you have certainly come to the right place. Below I will share a list of some of the most common mistakes that people tend to make when trying to hire the right MSP. By getting familiar with those, you will have much higher chances of avoiding them. Here we go.


  1. Rushing Into It

This first mistake that I need to tell you about could actually be the root of all the other mistakes. Basically, whenever you rush into something, you are susceptible to making the wrong moves. It’s no different when word goes of choosing your MSP.

To be as precise as possible, if you want to find and hire a reliable MSP, you will have to take things slowly and do your research before making a hiring decision. If you rush into it, you are highly likely to do something wrong and then end up unhappy with the people you’ve chosen for the job. Since you don’t want that, I say you should take your time.

2. Not Checking Experience

As I assume you know already, experience is a highly important factor in practically every single business. The business of managed IT is certainly not an exception to that rule. What does this mean for you precisely, though?

Well, to put it as simply as possible, it means that you should never take the experience for granted and that you definitely shouldn’t forget to check it. If you don’t check it, you could end up working with certain amateurs who probably won’t know the first thing about how to provide you with reliable and amazing services. This probably doesn’t sound appealing to you, does it?

Since I’m sure that it doesn’t, I believe that you will do your best to check the experience of specific providers before making your choice. The only question is how to do that, and it is a question that’s easily answered. You can either search for information on their websites or inquire about experience once you get in touch with the provider. The bottom line is that you need to check this if you want to choose the best MSP (more info).

3. Ignoring Reputation

Every single company enjoys one kind of a reputation or another. You certainly want to find an MSP that is quite reputable, since that will give you a sort of a guarantee that they’ll do their job perfectly. Of course, not every single company you will come across will enjoy a stellar reputation.

What should you do if you find a firm that you sort of like, but that has an extremely poor reputation based on reviews and the comments left by previous clients? Should you just ignore that reputation and basically decide to work with someone that is highly likely to do a poor job? Well, I guess you could try your luck out that way, but it isn’t actually advisable.

Instead of ignoring the reputation of those providers that you are considering, you should actually take it rather seriously. People wouldn’t be talking poorly about some firms if there were no reason for it. So, do yourself a favor and never ignore the reputation of these providers, especially if you find that it isn’t satisfactory. There are so many great companies out there and there is no need for you to settle for some ill-reputed ones.

4. Not Taking More Candidates Into Account

If you really want your MSP to do everything they are capable of (more about their work on https://searchitchannel.techtarget.com/definition/managed-service-provider), then you will absolutely need to shop around for a while before making this choice. This means that not taking more candidates into account is certainly a huge mistake. I know that you might be tempted to hire that first firm you like, but trust me when I say this. Researching different candidates and comparing their services will pay off.

5. Forgetting To Ask About The Prices

There is one more mistake I need to mention and it doesn’t have so much to do with quality, as much as it has to do with your specific budget. While you have to be ready and willing to pay a good price for amazing services, since nobody will work for free and everyone values their work, you shouldn’t leave the question of the prices unchecked, because you don’t want to be surprised later on. This just means that you should talk about the prices with your potential providers before deciding if you want to hire them or not.


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