Last Updated on March 6, 2019 by Larious
In our ever more environmentally-conscious world, more and more companies are beginning to offer rewards and incentives for recycling. If you would like to earn a quick bit of cash, here are some of the electronics you may have sitting around your home which could get you a little money if recycled in the right place.
PCBs, or printed circuit boards, are to be found in nearly every electronic device. From our cars to our children’s toys, the small, easily recognizable boards can be found everywhere and they could be worth quite a bit of money to recycling firms. In the circuit board manufacturing process, gold and copper are added to the boards. It is possible to extract these pieces of scrap metal, and other trace amounts like platinum and palladium.
However, due to the scarce amount in each board, companies will only want to recycle a big bulk collection. Nevertheless, there is no reason you cannot scavenge your broken electronics to see if you can extract the PCBs!
Got an old cathode ray tube TV and you don’t know what to do with it? See if there is a recycling company near you which could handle the job! Old TVs are packed with materials which can be recycled.
From the metals in the components to the plastics holding them and their cables together, there is a lot within a TV which could be recycled.
Rather than let that much-loved box rot in a junkyard, take the responsible option and find a company who are willing to recycle it for you!
Like TVs, computers (and their associated parts like keyboards, mice, and screens) all have valuable parts which can be recycled. This is great for both private individuals and companies who are maybe looking to swap out their electronics for new ones.
If you are thinking about recycling your computers, make sure you find a company which also offers data eradication. A factory reset is not often enough. If you have sensitive company data which needs to be fully wiped from the system before you can let it go, this has to be a top priority.
Light Fittings and Bulbs
Anywhere there is metal, you can try to recycle it! Lightbulbs are becoming one of the items you can recycle easily; with the glass for the general bulbs being recycled and the metal filaments out of older bulbs sometimes eligible for salvage.
Did you know that you could even recycle your Christmas lights? For a number of years, big brand stores and smaller independent companies have offered you the opportunity to trade in your old Christmas lights for money off a new set. It could be a great and eco-friendly way for you to update your festive displays.
Recycling is not just limited to packaging from our food and goods. If you are wanting to take a more environmental approach to your lifestyle, start looking at the things you could potentially turn in for recycling and a little bit of cash today!