How to Add and Remove Favorites in WhatsApp

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on August 1, 2024 by Larious

WhatsApp has been getting lots of new features lately. Among all the recently introduced features, the most underrated one is choosing your favorites on the app.

Choose your favorites on WhatsApp

Let’s admit it: We all participate in many chats every day, but only a select few are special to us.

Everybody has a favorite, be it on WhatsApp, Messenger, or any other similar app. With WhatsApp ‘Favorites’ you can quickly find the people and groups that matter most.

Your favorites will remain the same across your chats and calls on the app, and you can speed-dial them from your calls tab, too.

How to Add Favorites from WhatsApp Settings

You can mark chats as favorites right from WhatsApp Settings. Here’s what you need to do.

1. Launch the WhatsApp app on your Android or iPhone.

2. When the app opens, tap the three dots at the top right corner. iPhone users need to tap on the Settings at the bottom right corner.


3. On the menu that appears, select Settings.

4. On the Settings, tap on Favourites.


5. Next, on the Favourites screen, tap (+) Add Favourite.

(+) Add Favourite(+) Add Favourite

6. Next, tap and hold on the contact you want to add to Favourites. You need to select all contacts that you want to have on speed dial. Once you’ve done this, tap the checkmark icon at the bottom right corner. On iPhone, tap Done at the top right.


How to Remove a Contact from Favorites on WhatsApp?

To remove a contact from the Favorites, navigate to the WhatsApp > Settings > Favourites.

WhatsApp > Settings > FavouritesWhatsApp > Settings > Favourites

In the Favorite section, tap the pencil icon at the top right corner. Next, tap the trash can icon beside the favorites you want to remove. Once you’ve done this, tap the checkmark icon at the top right. On iPhone, tap the (-) sign beside the contact name.

How to Add Favourites from the Chats Tab?

You can also add chats to the Favourites right from the Chats tab. To do so, follow these steps.

1. Launch the WhatsApp app. Next, tap and hold the chat to select it.

2. Once selected, tap on Add to Favourites. On Android, you must tap three dots and select ‘Add to Favourites’.

Add to FavouritesAdd to Favourites

3. If you wish to remove the contact from the Favourites, tap and hold the chat and select Remove from Favorite.

Remove from FavouritesRemove from Favourites

How to Add Favourites from the WhatsApp Calls Tab?

You can add or remove favorites right from the calls tab as well. To do so, follow these steps.

1. Launch the WhatsApp app and switch to the Calls tab.

2. Next, tap the (i) info icon beside the contact you want to add to your favorites.

(i) info icon(i) info icon

3. On the next screen, scroll to the bottom and select Add to Favourites.

Add to FavouritesAdd to Favourites

4. You can also remove the contact from Favourites by tapping the (i) info icon and selecting Remove from Favourites on the next screen.

Remove from FavouritesRemove from Favourites

This article explains how to add and remove favorites in WhatsApp. If you need more help managing your favorites on WhatsApp, let us know in the comments. Also, if you find this guide helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends.


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