Important Information To All 2014 Batch B & C NYSC Corps Members

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on November 19, 2017 by Larious

Corps-MembersAn important notice was passed from the National Youth Service Corps to all prospective corps members in Batch B and C, The memo contains important information about the Stream 1 and Stream 2. Below is a snap shot from the pages of the dailysun newspaper Monday 3rd November 2014 edition.

Must Read: Basic Information About NYSC Place Of Primary Assignment {PPA} & {CDS}

Read: NYSC Orientation Camp Hosting The Batch C Stream II

Read: NYSC Call Up Letter For Batch C Stream II Is Out

You can read all about the NYSC mobile app and downloads Here, The mobile app would be of great use during your Nysc

Read all about Nysc Redeployment and How to Redeploy

Read about Detailed Information About NYSC Batch C Stream II

NOTICE: Prospective Corps Members in Batch C Stream II, And your State of  Deployment is “Adamawa State” But your Orientation Camp is In Benue State, Kindly Add Me on BBM: 265BC6F2. For Advices, Tips, Latest Info about Benue camp, General Info, and All what you need to bring to camp on the 26th, Finally How to Redeploy after camp

Nysc Memo1

Yesterday November 4th, i saw an interesting Interview on Channels Television with The Director of Mobilisation of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Mr Anthony Ani, About “NYSC Has Taken Adequate Measures To Protect Corps Members”. The interview was actually interesting and i advice all corps members to anticipate this latest development trainings in various orientation camps in the country. Read the Interview below:

Anthony_Ani-300x266The Director of Mobilisation of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Mr Anthony Ani, on Tuesday, allayed the fears of parents whose children have been deployed to various parts of the country for the compulsory service scheme.

“I assure all parents and prospective youth corps members that the NYSC has taken adequate measures to ensure that these camps are well protected and their lives are also protected.

“There are four states where we don’t have orientation going on; these are Borno, Yobe, Adamawa and Gombe, because of the security challenges that we are having in those parts of the nation”, he said on Sunrise Daily.

He, however, noted that the corps members who have been deployed to those areas are going to have their orientation at a later date outside those areas. “This is to ensure that we are in tune with what is happening,” he said, adding that security has been provided by all security agencies for all other camps across the country.

He added that those deployed to the security challenged areas would have their camps outside the states where they do not have security challenges. The camps will be in Nasarawa, Plateau, Benue and Niger States.

“For those deployed to Borno, they will be having their orientation in Keffi (Nasarawa). For those deployed to Gombe, they will be in Niger, while for those who have been deployed to Adamawa, they are to have their orientation at Benue and those deployed to Yobe will be in Plateau.

“These special orientation will run from November 26 to December 15,” he said.

Mr Ani further noted that corps members posted to those states have the choice to seek redeployment after the orientation to other locations in the country, although he maintained that “there is no cause for alarm” and that “the NYSC is very alert to it’s responsibility”.

He also said that the “NYSC will be teaching the corps members Martial Arts and have invited security experts to speak to them on security tips around all the camps”, adding that “as part of our training, by the time the corps members finish their service, instead of roaming about the streets looking for paid jobs, we will now make them entrepreneurs; so we have introduced a skill acquisition programme”.

He said every corps member is asked to choose a skill and during the orientation is exposed to this skill and the training continues after the orientation.


For enquiries and advice, we attend swift via  BBM . Add us on BBM: 7A67E351


All About NYSC Redeployment And How To Redeploy

How To Print Your NYSC Call Up Letter Without Paying 4K


3 thoughts on “Important Information To All 2014 Batch B & C NYSC Corps Members”

  1. Sir, Please advise on how to redeploy for a Batch B 201s who recently got married and wants to relocate. Is it online? What’s the procedure Sir?

  2. Relocation procedure is done in abuja, Also your required to pay the 4k to be able to fill the relocation form online and access the relocation letter.

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