All About NYSC Redeployment And How To Redeploy

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Written By Larious

Larious is the Executive Editor of LowkeyTech. He is a tech enthusiast and a content writer. 





Last Updated on October 20, 2018 by Larious

The Nysc redeployment scheme was established based on three main factors, Marital or Health ground and recently added Security ground. But many of us only talk about redeployment if the state of deployment isn’t favorable to us or probably surrounded by life and death situation (Boko haram).

Many corps members wants to redeploy to another state closer to home or if possible demobilized home, But what many don’t understand is the procedure to follow, who to approach, and on what grounds will a redeployment request be considered by NYSC board.

MUST READ: How To Get Any State Of Your Choice For Nysc

Latest HOT: NYSC Relocation Process For 2015 Batch A Corps Members

Must Read: Basic Information About NYSC Place Of Primary Assignment {PPA} & {CDS}

Read: NYSC Orientation Camp Hosting The Batch C Stream II

Read: NYSC Call Up Letter For Batch C Stream II Is Out

A Must Read: Important Information To All 2014 Batch B & C NYSC Corps Members

You can read all about the NYSC mobile app and downloads Here, The mobile app would be of great use during your Nysc

Read about Detailed Information About NYSC Batch C Stream II

NOTICE: Prospective Corps Members in Batch C Stream II, And your State of  Deployment is “Adamawa State” But your Orientation Camp is In Benue State, 


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The National Youth Service Corps will only consider requests that meet the requirements below:

  1. Marital Ground: Marital ground is usually only considered for female corps members who want to move to the state of residence of their husband. A corps member who wants to be relocated to another state, should after the Swearing-in Ceremony apply in his/her writing stating why he/she wants to be relocated. The application should be addressed to the Director-General through the State Coordinator. If you are applying on marital ground, you are to attach the following:
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Change of name in any of the National Newspaper
  • A letter from your husband’s office as an evidence that your husband is domiciled in the state you want to relocate to.
  1. Medical Ground: You will need a medical report from our institution’s medical Centre or a recognized General Hospitals, Federal Medical Centres, Military/Police Hospital reports. And claimed to medical case history are subject to further confirmation to establish their authenticity.
  2. Security Ground: States affected are: Borno, Adamawa, Gombe, Yobe, and other Northern states in that region. This has been a major concern in the country and the trend of Boko haram is on the high-rise, most Northern states are not safe anymore, every day we hear strange news about Boko haram, moving from one Northern states to the next. This actually breaks the heart of a prospective corps member when he/she sees their call up letter showing state of deployment Adamawa state.  Parents won’t even allow their children to go to camp for the orientation exercise and even if they allow them go, their mind won’t be at rest, just because the security of this country is terrible and the so-called government can’t do anything about it.

The whole aim of N.Y.S.C has been defeated, let’s stop deceiving ourselves. I bet those in power would never allow their children go anywhere near the north. In the first place why did Nysc post prospective corps members to those places? What security measures have they taken to protect corps members in Northern states? Yes we know Nysc change the Orientation camps to safer states, but wasn’t N.Y.S.C supposed to be for national integration? but its purpose has been defeated. The same way NYSC officials would want to love and protect their Children so also every parent would want to protect his or her child.

NOTE: Fake Medical Reports Attract Sanctions

If you want to carry out NYSC Redeployment, don’t use fake medical reports as it now attracts strict sanctions. You can ask Nysc for redeployment on three grounds, Health, Marital Status and now Security concerns. The DG of NYSC has vowed to strictly scrutinize all medical reports submitted and sanction corps members who use fake or forged reports.

The Director General of the National Youth Service Corps, NYSC, Johnson Olawuni, has vowed to punish corps members falsifying medical reports to secure deployment to new stations.

Brig.Gen JB Olawuni said several medical reports submitted by corps members were found to be fake, and that subsequent certificates will undergo stringent validation, including confirmation with the respective hospitals.

Speaking in Abuja, Brig.Gen JB Olawuni, said that relocation due to security challenges in some part of Nigeria will be treated strictly.

“On the case of relocation, the management will apply full weight of the law on any corps member that procures fake medical papers for the purpose of effecting relocation,” he said.

“I wish to make it clear that medical papers submitted for the purpose of seeking for relocation will be subjected to thorough scrutiny and any case of forgery will be visited with commensurate punishment in line with the NYSC bye-law.”

He said that a review was carried out on the documents submitted by the batch a corps members currently in camp, and many were confirmed to have been forged.

“This year all the medical papers we got we have sorted them out state by state and sent them to all the secretariat and we ask them to go the hospital to find out if the papers are real, but to our greatest surprise, we found out that those hospital don’t exists and where the hospitals exist no doctor and when there are doctors , the signature was forged so we have decided that those corps members will not go unpunished and they will also be queried and asked to do labour work,” Mr. Olawumi said.

Brig.Gen JB Olawuni also said that corps members could also relocate from the state they were posted to, based on security reasons.

“Corp members could only relocate based on health and marital grounds but now we just added security grounds. If a corps member is posted to Borno he has the right to say no I don’t want to go Borno on security grounds and we will relocate him or her to wherever he or she wants to serve,” he said.

Batch C Stream I and II corps members who are posted to volatile states in North-East Nigeria also have the opportunity to redeploy during their camping exercise. However, experience has shown that insecurity may not be enough reason for redeployment to be granted at the camp since almost everyone wants to redeploy. You can support you request with medical, marital or other reasons (please come with evidence).

 A Must Read: NYSC Stream II Redeployment Interview

We conducted an interview to make clear your questions on NYSC Stream II Redeployment interview

 “I wonder why NYSC will post me to Borno State to go and serve my country, despite the security challenges faced in that part of the country, chai….NYSC daris God o… this North you are posting people to!”

Over 80% of Corp members mobilized for NYSC Batch B, 2014 where posted to the North(my statistics), many where even posted to Boko Haram affected states such as Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, Kano etc.

I can feel the pain and expression of grievance on the faces of these newly posted corps as they held their call up letters. I personally was crestfallen and dejected, this singular act portrayed by NYSC must have made so many families panic, because most parents don’t want their children posted to the north especially areas prone to boko haram attacks.

Thank God, NYSC has redeployed some of the corps members posted to boko haram affected states to states safe from boko haram attacks and has scheduled their 3weeks orientation camp to commence, immediately after those posted to these original state finish their camping. But, the major problem now is after camping where are there going to serve, are they going back to the states they were original posted to or are going to serve in the states they did their camping? This and many more questions are bordering the mind of these redeployed corps. On this issue, I had the privilege of interviewing an ex-corper

He was posted to YOBE STATE but did his 3 weeks orientation camp in NASSARAWA STATE. Here is the details of the interview below:

Collins: Good morning Sir,

Ex-corper: Morning Corper Collins

Collins: Sir, am aware you were posted to Yobe State last year for your NYSC

Ex-corper: YES, but I didn’t set my legs on the soil of YOBE STATE, in fact I did my 3weeks orientation camp at Nassarawa State and the YOBE State governor declared the Camp open after which I was redeployed to Akwa Ibom State.

Collins: Wow! Regarding this redeployment, many people posted to the north and boko haram affected states wants to redeploy but don’t know how to go about it.

Ex-corper: well, usually all corpers are eligible for redeployment, but redeployment is usually based on 3 grounds namely, marital, health and security grounds. In the case of security ground, which was my case, all corps members posted to boko haram affected states and to the north are eligible for redeployment. The redeployment form will be shared to all corps members willing to redeploy for them to fill in the camp, in the form you will be asked to fill the State you which to be redeployed to and submit it to your platoon officer. In my case I filled Ekiti State, before the end of the camp I was handed over a letter that I will take to my redeployed state, to my utmost surprise I saw AKWA IBOM STATE, 3days after camping has ended I took my letter to AKWA IBOM NYSC STATE SECRETARIAT after which I was received and did the necessary clearance to enlist on their payroll for my monthly alawee.

Collins: Really, that’s thoughtful of them at least you have moved to a safer state. Please Sir, how much were you paid in the camp?

EX-corper: I was paid my 2 months allowance in the camp, that’s 39600, since I didn’t follow stream1, in the previous month. Also, I was paid 2,500 for local transport allowance

Collins: great, it means even though we are waiting for stream1 to finish we are considered to be serving

Ex-corper: YES, and you will pass out the same day!

Collins: But Sir, how did you go about PPA (Place of Primary Assignment)

Ex-corper: I was posted to a place of primary assignment in akwa ibom after completing my registration at the AKWA IBOM NYSC SECRETARIAT

Collins: Were you paid the State allowance?

Ex-corper: Yes I was, though I was not paid for the first month when I came because I was not through with my registration but subsequent months I received both the federal and state allowance

Collins: That’s good, thanks for your time, I appreciate

Ex-corper: You are welcome, have a stress free service year!

Finally in conclusion, I strongly hope all information gathered above would enlighten you about the Nysc redeployment process. And also know it’s not actually everyone that is going to be granted redeployment letters to various states of redeployment. Try as possible to experience something new and explore new cultures, languages, and other fun aspect if you are not posted to the North. But advice those posted to the North to be very careful, kindly redeploy somewhere safe and then enjoy your service year.

God would go with all Prospective corps members, And also all prospective corpers going for service in 2018.

Best of LUCK and God go with You All!!!


Detailed Information About NYSC Batch C Stream II

Important Information To All 2014 Batch B & C NYSC Corps Members


102 thoughts on “All About NYSC Redeployment And How To Redeploy”

  1. those of us in stream 2 still expecting callup letter, which state are we likely to b posted to. can I still pay d 4k online now to receive my callup letter?

  2. Well, i can really say which states would be involved in the batch c stream 2, i only know a few, borno, adamawa, yobe, gombe, osun, lagos. Nysc might decide to include other states, Frankly speaking i see no use in paying the 4k, I know lots of prospective corps members that paid the 4k and are still yet to receive their call up letters. so the choice is your!!

  3. Love ur article, real and precised. I will b part of d stream 2 corp member 4tis present batch. Pls could u kindly send me d requirement & procedures for registration @ d camp ground 2my mail bx. God bless ur effort…

  4. please i was told that i will be among stream 2 batch c and that my call up letter would be ready later. It is still not ready after 2weeks. I hope we would still make it. Please send me the registration procedurea via email

  5. Call up letters would be ready between 20th and 24th. Exercise patience. Check your mail. Registration processes are the same in all Nysc orientation camps.

  6. Pls could u kindly send me d
    requirement & procedures for registration @ d camp ground 2my
    mail bx. God bless ur effort.

  7. Would tell you right here. All the requirement needed is at the back of your call up letter. Your school certificate or statement of results, your call up letter.

  8. So sorry about that sir, You only got two choices, she either go to borno and do camp, during camp she fill the relocation form which helps her redeploy to a much safer state, or she defile the nysc posting by not going to borno camp. she has to do the nysc registration again for the next batch in feb or march next year.

  9. Should pregnant women do not bothered to come to camp for orientation? Or wil they be posted back to their various state or wil not be alowed to serve at all for nys batch b 2015.

  10. Pregnant women are to go to their prospective camp and instant relocation would be given to them to any state of their choice. If you dont go to camp to tell your camp director your pregnancy situation, you would have to forget serving with this batch, you have to wait for the next batch. So i advice you try to go to camp and explain your condition.

  11. Nice, write-up i totally agree with ur view, but the program isnt as fun as it used to be back in the days. My friends are getting ready for service and im seriously hoping they get posted to these states

  12. Thanks for the info. Must I attach the Change of name newspaper to the document? We have not done that, & may not do that now. Thanks in anticipation of your kind response

  13. Am a prospective corps member. Pls is it possibly to change my name at nysc orientation camp for a religion purpose. D name on d datas dat ws wt den is Akanji Rukayat. Now using Akanji Grace Abimbola.

  14. I want to relocate but don’t know the particular NYSC website address. pls quickly response cuz am very serious about it. batch b stream 2. and also how to open my profile with my android phone.

  15. Pls, I am a married woman and about to reg for 2016 batch A but in my change of name published by The Nigerian Tribune, my name was changed from ADEYEMO ADEOLA KEMI to ADEYEMO-BAYO ADEOLA (bayo is my husband’s surname) without the title ‘MRS’, can it affect me from being posted to where my husband resides? NEED AN URGENT ANSWER PLEASE

  16. Am sorry Nysc takes marital grounds issues very seriously, if you can’t present proof of marriage certificate, they wont even be relocated to your husband place after orientation camp. deployment or posting procedures sometimes dont care if your married or not, they can post you anywhere, but it is in the orientation camp you tender your marriage certificate and change of name to facilitates your relocation to your husband place.

  17. hello, good day to you! I just concluded the online registration for batch A 2016 and I have received my call up number, but its too high, i.e 097723. with this high number does it mean that i’ll go with the stream II? Cos i really want to .go with stream I.
    please, I want to know how many corp members NYSC sends or are allowed to go for orientation camp in each stream.

  18. Good day, I have an ish, when the Senate error list came out it displayed my name as Godspower Ufeli Othuke instead of Ufeli Othuke Godspower. I made the correction, but was shocked to still see it appear like that on their website and on my print out, pls what can I do

  19. Comment: I registered as a married woman n presented all doc required of me bt was nt given d option to select a state. hope it will work in my favour?

  20. Good day pls i want to go back to my state which. Ysc portal will i visit and how do i go bout it thanks Sammie

  21. Hi! I didnt register as a married lady cos I was still single when I did my registration but I got married this month, how will I go abt it to be posted to where my husband is ? And is it my husband’s surname that will be on my certificate ?

  22. Pls is relocation still available for pcm posted yobe state? Can I know the experience of the 2016 Stream 1 corp members?

  23. Pls I did my relocation from Nysc Abj after the 3 weeks camp from rivers to lagos and my relocation has bin approved but the problem now is that av bin accepted in my PPA already in rivers but we’ve not started teaching yet cos am a batch A stream 2 corper, my question is: am I supposed to go back to rivers state to sign out? And will my allowance be affected in anyway? Cos av opened another bank account No in lagos..pls I nid urgent reply..tnks

  24. Once your relocation has been approved, you need to visit your LGA and meet with your Z.I or L.I so they can conclude the transfer documentations to lagos. Because it could affect your allawee.

  25. My relocation have been accepted but I don’t know how am going to proceed to my new state. How will I process it plsss????

  26. Contact your Lgi or Zi they should help you process the document of transfer, Nysc would also send them relocation papers for you to process the transfer.


  28. Thanks so much for the appreciation, i would be frank and straight with you, the best way to successfully relocate is if you can process it from Abuja nysc office. The online relocation process doesnt work online. source for help from nysc officials.

  29. Good pm. Is the site for relocation for batch a stream 2 2016 open? Cus I got married few weeks after camp nd am pregnant now

  30. pls i applied for relocation n i got a message of congratulations n i am directed to the state cordinator for clearance. what if i dont want to continue? and how can i get d clearance if reversal is not possible.

  31. Pls I fill single when in my school mobilization form and now am married…..will I fill single or married now that we are doing registration or single?

  32. Congratulations, you would fill married, now that you are married. You also need to have your married certificate to prove you are really married. Thanks

  33. thanks for your help.
    I just did my registration (2016 batch B) after getting married a week ago.I indicated I am married and uploaded all documents except the change of name evidence which I don’t have yet.. But uploaded the marriage certificate in its place.
    Do you think this will affect my posting in any way

  34. Please, my name was incorrectly spelt and I have done my online registration. I have also prepared an affidavit. Would this suffice for a correction to be made in camp? What do you advice? Thanks

  35. You need to have all the necessary documents, well, am not NYSC, so i dont know if it would allow you get your choice state. Infact Nysc wont believe all that you posted until you reach camp, then fill for the redeployment process.

  36. Thanks for your help….. Is there need for me to take change of name from tribune after having my marriage certificate from registry

  37. Hello Larious, I just got posted to Jigawa, my worst nightmare! I selected it mistakenly while filling the form online. I don’t want to serve there but I don’t justify any ground for redeployment. I’m fixed! Is there any hope whatsoever?

  38. Lol, that mistake can be meant to be.. who knows jigawa could be fun…You just have to apply for redeployment during camp and hope they grant your request, or you can give larious a call 08039292587

  39. I belong to nysc batchB stream1. During my registration I chose 4 states as instructed, excluding ZAMFARA state. For unknown reason I happened to get deployed to Zamfara state. I want to apply for redeployment at the camp. Will my request be considered Since my reason is not included in the above considered

  40. So sorry about that, there are thousands of corpers like you in the same situation. The only way forward is to apply for redeployment in camp. Just apply first and put strings of help from any Nysc staff.

  41. Hi Larious, A friend is currently serving in Zamfara state, but just lost his dad how can he go about redeploying? He actually went with medical report, but he’s telling me nobody wants to listen to him in camp. What would he do?

  42. Am so sorry about your friends dad, In camp no one would listen to all that, they would think he’s lying. He should apply for redeployment and do all the process. Also he can talk to any Nysc official in camp for help.

  43. Hi, I was posted to my ppa but I didn’t report there immediately after camp, are there any penalties for this?

  44. Am not your Zonal coordinator so i cant answer your question. Your missing monthly clearance which would affect your entire service year. you might be asked to repeat Nysc again for a year without any pay. so be careful and go to your PPA. All the best

  45. Comment: dear larious am so happy for all d help you have been rendering to fellow corp members. Plz my mom did relocation for me with out my consent. I was posted to kano but she did the redeployment to lagos. But I truly want to go back to kano cos I love that city. plz can I still redeploy to kano? will it affect my service year? will I be sanctioned? Will NYSC think am taking them for granted for relocating over and over again. plz help me larious I know I can count on you

  46. Thanks for visiting. Appreciate your comments. Its sad you can’t redeploy back to kano. Nysc wont even allow that. Your lucky you got redeployed to Lagos, If you know alot of corps member wishing they could leave the north so they can come to the west or south. So i recommend you should be grateful your in lagos. If you love kano so much you can always go visiting or travel there. All the best.

  47. Comment:please have been posted to Adamawa state n d camp address on my callup letter is Adamawa polytechnic, yola campus. please I want to know if d place for camp will be changed to another state?….I really need to know nysc’s so I can know my movement. more over I don’t want to serve in dat state at all for security reasons. how can I redeploy plss even if am healthy?….please I urgently need ur reply. thank you.

  48. Hello, I must say a big thank you for such helpful informations. But I want to ask.
    I’m currently a Corp member posted to kebbi state batch B stream 2 , I went down to Dakin Gari the camp location and I redeployed back to my state on health grounds.
    I was granted redeployment, my question now is whats the next step.

    Do I go to my redeployed state camp?

    How do a go about PPA after orientation camp?

    On passing out day in camp do I go to Kebbi state or remain in my redeployed state?

  49. Thank you for visiting, always glad to be of help to others, Nysc would have sent your redeployment letter to the state you redeployed to, all you need to do is go to the Nysc secretariat and show them your redeployment letter, then they would now post you to a local govt and ppa. All the best

  50. Comment:hello, please I applied for redeployment based on marital grounds at the orientation camp, 2016 batch b; stream 2, during the registration, and I also left d camp because I am pregnant. don’t know when and how I am getting my redeployment letter because I am not in the camp? and am I to also register for online, on my dashboard for redeployment?

  51. Comment: pls sir I did relocation when I check my dashboard i click on relocation. What appear is your application as being process. But now I check it i only saw relocation application. Please what else

  52. Comment:pls i applied for redeployment though yet to be granted. my problem is i open an acct at abj now am to relocate to benue will it affect my allawee or i will be given room for another acct openinig in benue pls am worried.

  53. You dont have to worry about that, once your redeployment is granted to to benue state, Nysc would open another account for you in that state so that the state can pay your allawee. when abj stop paying your allawee, benue state would continue paying. All the best

  54. Good afternoon..must commend you on a job well done. my wife is a pregnant corper. she applied and was recently granted Redeployment back to rivers state where i work and reside.(though she never stayed in camp)..due to health issues she’s on hospital admission and wont be able to report at her the nysc secretariat here in rivers for some weeks…will she forfeit her entire service year or how will this affect her service. Thanks

  55. Your most welcome, Thank you for visiting. You need to help her go to Nysc secretariat in rivers and explain to them of her condition. Its from their reply you would know the next step. ALL THE BEST. THANK YOU.

  56. I was redeploy from Zamfara state to abuja without applying for relocation how are my going to go about it will be the one to look for my ppa.

  57. I was redeployed to Lagos a week after camp to Lagos but before the redeployment I have already report to my PPA, how do i go about it letting the state I was redeployed from know that I have been relocated. thanks

  58. Comment:Hi pls am not able 2 report at my ppa cos my baby is sivk since I tuk an exit 4rm camp cnt take a sick baby travel 2 a far distance Ekiti- Ebony,can I still apply 4 relocation.

  59. I am batch B stream 2016 set. I just got married about 2 month ago and I wish to redeploy to Lagos state where my husband works and resides.
    I have done the required but I got this message which I don’t understand:

    “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”

    Please help me because I have not been able to complete the application.

  60. Comment:Hi pls if in case a person registered but received her call up nub a day to report to camp, due to far location and finally got to the camp two days late and meet the state coordinator, will that person be able to service with same stream 1 or she will have to Wait for the next stream?

  61. Comment:kudos to you. please I need clarification on this, am a batch b stream II 2016 member, I was posted to Taraba, I was very sick during the camp, but I manage to finish the camping, I reported to my ppa but I was rejected, in the process of getting another ppa my case worsened to the extent that I had to flew back to lagos. I explained everything to my L.I and he told me to apply for relocation online which I did, I waited for 3months I didn’t see anything, I logged in to my dashboard in may and I discovered that I was declined. Now I just got someone that wants to help me, but my question is hope I won’t ask to start all over again? N:B- I still receive allawee every month, moreover I’m ready for extension of service, but am just scared of starting all over again. And again how many months extension am I likely to be given? Thanks in anticipation

  62. Comment:Hi Larious, please I left camp due to my health issue, batch A 2017 stream 1 Kaduna state, I left camp thru exeat but am yet to see my allowance, they promise to send it tho…I just want to know how long it will take… thanks dear

  63. Comment: Hi, pls I v applied for relocation since April and it s still telling me DAT application s being processed, pls wen will it be accepted?

  64. Comment:Contact 07056733883 he his an NYSC official he can help you out concerning your redeployment, within a week. Although it involve Money, but trusted.

  65. Comment:Contact 07056733883 he his an NYSC official he can help you out concerning your redeployment, within a week. Although it involve Money, but trusted.

  66. Comment:Contact 07056733883 he his an NYSC official he can help you out concerning your redeployment, within a week. Although it involve Money, but trusted.

  67. Comment:Contact 07056733883 he his an NYSC official he can help you out concerning your redeployment, within a week. Although it involve Money, but trusted.

  68. Hey, please I want to serve and camp in Lagos where my husband work and reside…pls what are the procedures because I don’t want to go to another state…. (2) I change my name in vanguard newspaper and I wrote Mrs Ebere Juliet Agu okafor…(okafor is my husband’s name while Agu is my surname).. But can I still write it as Mrs Ebere Agu Juliet okafor?..hope they are still the same thing?…


  69. Please Iam batch A stream 1. I’m serving in ekiti state, and we we’re told that even after 3 months in a state you can still relocate and now I want to redeploy back to nasarawa state based on security reasons and the fact is I don’t like the state and I’m not just comfortable here, If I remain in the state I might literally just die or have an ailment that might take time to heal. I applied online and it’s still showing your application is being processed, this is getting to the 2 week and the registration is ending 29th of September 2017. Please what do I do?

  70. Nysc doesnt just grant anyone relocation. please note. and the process is not automatic. it takes time. If its still processing be patient. If you want further help find someone in Nysc office in abuja to help you fast track the process. Wish you all the best Jemm.

  71. My son was posted to Adamawa, can he cite security reason for redeployment. He is in batch B (2017)

  72. Hi, I filled my nysc form the part of personal details.when I wanted to fill places of deployment , it didn’t work, imstead it was saying no available place.what should I do and also I haven’t made the payment to d bank?

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